1. Please note that Fajr iqama will be at 6:30 am starting Saturday, Oct. 21, 2017
2. The ISCM would like to invite the community to their Annual Biryani Night and Hajj Simulation. It will take place on Saturday Oct. 28 at 5:00 pm at Gentry Middle School 3. The Friday Tafseer halaqa will continue tonight after Ishaa at the ICCM. 4. The ICCM is in process of developing a class for new Muslims if interested, please leave your contact information at the ICCM office. 5. The ICCM Advanced Arabic class is offered every Wednesday at 5:30 pm at the ICCM. If interested please contact the ICCM office. 6. The ICCM would like to thank all who attended and participated in the Food fest and ICCM Open House this past Sunday. 7. Please sign up to cook for or donate to the St. Francis house. If interested please contact the ICCM office, Br. Ifran or email [email protected]. Comments are closed.