Useful Information about Zakat Al-Fitr
Assalamu alaikum
Amount: $10/individual in the family
Yes. You can pay Zakat Al-Fitr through:
- PayPal
Need to select Zakat Al-Fitr
Under Category: Select Zakat Al-Fitr
- Checks
ICCM PO Box 1241
Columbia, MO 65205
Add to the memo: Zakat Al-Fitr
- Cash: inside the ICCM in the designated box.
May Allah swt accept from all of us.
It helps to pay it early, so the people in charge of its distribution have enough time to pass it to the needy.
The links are available on the ICCM website at
Jazakum Allahu Khairan
Assalamu alaikum
Amount: $10/individual in the family
Yes. You can pay Zakat Al-Fitr through:
- PayPal
Need to select Zakat Al-Fitr
Under Category: Select Zakat Al-Fitr
- Checks
ICCM PO Box 1241
Columbia, MO 65205
Add to the memo: Zakat Al-Fitr
- Cash: inside the ICCM in the designated box.
May Allah swt accept from all of us.
It helps to pay it early, so the people in charge of its distribution have enough time to pass it to the needy.
The links are available on the ICCM website at
Jazakum Allahu Khairan