Ramadan Quiz Competition - 1433
Please submit answers below.
Juz 1: In this juz, a prophet is told that he has been made a leader for mankind. Who is this prophet and what is his response?
Juz 2: During the hijra, one sahabi had to trade his entire wealth in order to finish the journey. When he arrived in Madinah, the Prophet ﷺ commended him on making a successful transaction. Who is this sahabi and what ayah alludes to this incident?
Juz 3: Two of the verses recited today are narrated to have been given to the Prophet ﷺ during his ascension to the heavens (mi'raj). What are these two verses?
Juz 4-6: List all the verses that instruct Muslims in regard to inheritance.
Juz 7: In which ayat is a story of the Prophet Ibrahim mentioned?
Juz 8: In this juz, there is an ayah where the word "Allah" occurs twice back to back. It is the only place in the Qur'an where this happens. What is the ayah?
Juz 9: Which is the first ayah from the front of the Qur'an that as an ayah of sajdah (i.e., sajdah at-tilawah)?
Juz 10: The surah which this juz begins with details many lessons for the Muslims from a particular battle. Which is the battle?
Juz 11: In this juz, Allah commands the believers to not pray somewhere. Where is the place and where are they told to pray instead?
Juz 12: There is a word in today's juz that occurs only twice in the entire Qur'an. It is used to describe a Prophet. What is the word and which ayah does it occur in? For bonus point, what is the other surah in which it occurs? (Hint: It is a surah that has already been recited in taraweeh)
Juz 13: In this juz, there are two parables given of a good and bad word. What are the parables and what does good/bad word mean?
Juz 14: In this juz, a beverage is mentioned which the Prophet (saws) praised. What is the beverage and which ayah is it mentioned in?
Juz 15: In this juz, we have Surah Isra which talks about the Isra and Miraj. In the Qur'an, there is another Surah which mentions the Isra and Miraj as well. What is that surah?
Juz 16: There is a famous dua made by a prophet in this juz. What is the du'a?
Juz 17: In this juz, several prophets of Allah are mentioned. One of them is mentioned but by a title and not his actual name. Who is this prophet?
Juz 18: In this juz, several ayahs were revealed in regards to an accusation against the Prophet (saws)'s wife. Which ayahs are these?
Juz 19: What ayah in this juz in considered to be one that provides the most hope for a person who has committed major sins?
Juz 20: What ayah in this juz was revealed in regards to a member of Banu Hashim?
Juz 1: In this juz, a prophet is told that he has been made a leader for mankind. Who is this prophet and what is his response?
Juz 2: During the hijra, one sahabi had to trade his entire wealth in order to finish the journey. When he arrived in Madinah, the Prophet ﷺ commended him on making a successful transaction. Who is this sahabi and what ayah alludes to this incident?
Juz 3: Two of the verses recited today are narrated to have been given to the Prophet ﷺ during his ascension to the heavens (mi'raj). What are these two verses?
Juz 4-6: List all the verses that instruct Muslims in regard to inheritance.
Juz 7: In which ayat is a story of the Prophet Ibrahim mentioned?
Juz 8: In this juz, there is an ayah where the word "Allah" occurs twice back to back. It is the only place in the Qur'an where this happens. What is the ayah?
Juz 9: Which is the first ayah from the front of the Qur'an that as an ayah of sajdah (i.e., sajdah at-tilawah)?
Juz 10: The surah which this juz begins with details many lessons for the Muslims from a particular battle. Which is the battle?
Juz 11: In this juz, Allah commands the believers to not pray somewhere. Where is the place and where are they told to pray instead?
Juz 12: There is a word in today's juz that occurs only twice in the entire Qur'an. It is used to describe a Prophet. What is the word and which ayah does it occur in? For bonus point, what is the other surah in which it occurs? (Hint: It is a surah that has already been recited in taraweeh)
Juz 13: In this juz, there are two parables given of a good and bad word. What are the parables and what does good/bad word mean?
Juz 14: In this juz, a beverage is mentioned which the Prophet (saws) praised. What is the beverage and which ayah is it mentioned in?
Juz 15: In this juz, we have Surah Isra which talks about the Isra and Miraj. In the Qur'an, there is another Surah which mentions the Isra and Miraj as well. What is that surah?
Juz 16: There is a famous dua made by a prophet in this juz. What is the du'a?
Juz 17: In this juz, several prophets of Allah are mentioned. One of them is mentioned but by a title and not his actual name. Who is this prophet?
Juz 18: In this juz, several ayahs were revealed in regards to an accusation against the Prophet (saws)'s wife. Which ayahs are these?
Juz 19: What ayah in this juz in considered to be one that provides the most hope for a person who has committed major sins?
Juz 20: What ayah in this juz was revealed in regards to a member of Banu Hashim?