Assalamu Alaikum,
The ICCM Administration wishes you and your family a blessed Ramadan. We are happy to announce the question set of Ramadan Completion for this year. Please read the instructions below. You may download a copy of the questions using the following link: 2018_iccm_ramadan_competition.pdf Competition Prizes as follows:
Only one Solution set per family. Please submit a hard copy to the office by June 10, 2018 Please support your answer with an evidence from the right Juzuh of the Quran; indicating the number of the Surah followed by the number of the Ayah, such as: 14:32. No need to write the text of the Ayah. Unless otherwise indicated, for each one of the 30 questions, you NEED to look for your answer in the Juzuh that carries the same number of the question. Example: To find the answer to question number 8, you need to look for the answer in Juzuh number 8. An answer from a different Juzuh will not be accepted even if it is correct. The idea is to be familiar with the whole Book of Allah. 1)True or False? Our father Adam (pbuh) ate from the tree; disobeying the command of Allah; we inherited his sin. 2) True or False? Fasting has been prescribed only on the Ummah of Prophet Muhammed (pbAh) 3) True or False? Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) was a jew. 4) True or False? The People of the Book were praised by Allah for not trading His message for cheap stuff. 5) The Prophet (pbuh) requested his companion Ibn Masood to recite the Quran for him. Ibn Masood started reciting until he reached a verse upon which the Prophet (pbuh) had tears in his eyes, he then requested Ibn Masood to stop. Which verse was that? 6) The people of the book asked the Prophet (pbuh) to bring them a book from Heaven, Allah told him: They had asked Musa (pbuh) for a greater thing than this. What did they ask Musa (pbuh) for? 7) True or False? Allah instructed His Prophet (pbuh) to go ahead and join those who make mockery about the verses of Allah? 8) The people of The Fire will ask the people of Paradise for one of two things. What did they ask for? 9) In the story of the people of The Sabat (Saturday) you find that Allah had saved some and punished some. Whom did He save and whom did He punish? 10) After Hijra (migration from Meca to Madina) the Prophet (pbuh) dictated brotherhood among Muslims; to support one another and to inherit from one another. The inheritance part of this brotherhood continued until Allah terminated it by revealing a verse. What is this verse? 11) Allah made this person an example until the Day of Judgment, He even preserved his body. This person rejected the truth, was arrogant and abused his authority. However, contrary to many of today’s rulers, he allowed his opponent to present his case. Who was that person? 12) In Surah Hud, Allah mentioned the stories of few of His Prophets, write the names of three of those prophets with the corresponding verses. 13) True or False? Prophet Yousif (pbuh) had exercised the power of forgiveness with his brothers. 14) Allah described one of His Prophets as an Ummah (a whole nation.) Who was he? 15) Allah had given Musa (pbuh) a number of signs (Aayaat.) What was the total number of those Aayaat? 16) True or False? Isa (Jesus pbuh) declared that he was the son of God. 17) Nuh (pbuh,) Ayoob (pbuh,) Younis (pbuh,) and Zakaria (pbuh) were tested by Allah, and all had supplicated to Allah while they were at the peak of their tests. Which verses refer to those supplications? 18) Allah mentioned the attributes of the successful believers. Which verses refer to these attributes? 19) An aunt saved her community from an imminent danger, one of the Prophets of Allah heard her, and supplicated to Allah thanking Him. Who was that Prophet, and which verses refer to this? 20) Two qualities are needed in a hired person. What are those qualities and who stated them? Just indicate the verses. 21) Lukman the wise had instructed his son with few commands, which are mentioned in seven verses. Mention those seven verses. No text, just refer to the verses. 22) True or False? I cannot find the command of the Hijab in the Quran. 23) True or False? Ibrahim (pbuh) told his son Ismail (pbuh) that he saw in his dream that he was to slaughter him. Ismail told him: My beloved father, let me think about it, and will get back to you. 24) True or False? There is no evidence in the Quran that Angels do believe in Allah. 25) Allah said: And also, We did not send before you [Muhammad] a warner except that the elite said to him: We did find our fathers living a certain way and we are following their path. The warner said: How about if I bring you a better guidance than the one you found your fathers on. Their answer was: We, in what you were sent with, are kafiroon (disbelievers.) Which verses are these? 26) Allah mentioned in His book the incident when the Jinn had listened to the Quran, understood it, believed in it, and went to invite their communities to believe in it. Which verses are these? 27) True or False? There is no evidence in the Quran to assert what modern science has recently discovered; that the outer space is expanding. 28) A lady came to the Prophet (pbuh) complaining against her husband, her voice was too low for Aisha (ra) to hear, yet Allah heard her and revealed few verses resolving her issue. Which verses? 29) Allah mentioned that human was created, by default, as selfish and quick to panic. However, Allah had also made an exception from this rule, indicating their attributes also. Which verses explain this? 30) Reciting the Quran is highly rewarded; ten rewards (10 Hasanat) for each letter you recite. But there is even more: there is one Surah if you recite, you will be rewarded by Allah an amount equivalent to reciting one third of the Quran. Which Surah is this? The Surah is in Juzuh 30, but you may need to consult the books of Tafseer. BONUS:
Our best wishes!